Tag Archives: new albany books

Maybe (just maybe) not everyone likes to read

Readers of this blog will surely recognize the sentiments in the linked essay. Even if you’re not a writer, you have experienced this very same frustration.

The Eighth (and Biggest) Book Marketing Mistake: Assuming Everyone Likes to Read

Of course, there was the possibility that my book was boring. Hence I would ask, “Did my book put you to sleep, did you give up a few pages after starting?” The answer would be, “No, honestly, I just haven’t started.” This was getting me nowhere. Were they lying to protect my feelings, or were they telling me an underlying truth, a truth I couldn’t comprehend?

I started pushing deeper: “Come on, tell me. I can handle it. What’s the real problem?” I would probe. After a few of these awkward conversations, I finally had the truth: “Actually, it’s not just your book in particular, but um, ah, honestly speaking, I just don’t like reading books.



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Now You Can Read Bernie Sanders’ Speech

I’m very proud to announce the arrival of The Speech: A Historic Filibuster on Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class, the book form of Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) bravura, 8 1/2-hour explication of how the deal President Obama made with Republicans to extend the Bush tax cuts for the rich will effect the fortunes of us all.

Sen. Bernie Sanders

And don’t forget to join us when we welcome author Tim Dorsey and his new Serge Storms Novel, Electric Barracuda. It’s Wednesday, March 2, at 5:30 p.m. in the store, followed by a reception with the author at 7 p.m. at La Rosita Mexican Grill.

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2011 Books They’re Making Movies Of

You seemed to enjoy our pre-awards season list of books that were made into movies. NPR has compiled a decent list of books that you’ll be seeing soon on the silver screen. You can read their coverage here.

And don’t forget the literary event of the year in New Albany – Wednesday’s visit to Destinations Booksellers by Tim Dorsey. Details in my previous posting. Tim has made it possible for you to also acquire his companion travelogue of Florida. It’s a perfect complement to Electric Barracuda, which features Serge Storms’ Fugitive Tour.

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Tim Dorsey “Serges” Into Town Next Wednesday

In what is sure to be a repeat of our greatest author event ever, the hilarious Tim Dorsey brings his Serge Storms fugitive tour once again to New Albany on Wednesday, March 2, at 5:30 p.m.

Electric BarracudaIf you know Dorsey, you love him – both as an author and as a man. His visit with us in 2008 was without doubt the most successful and appreciated literary event we’ve ever held. Now, with his 13th book out, Tim chose to come back and present to us Electric Barracuda.

I won’t offer up a review today – I’ll wait until next week for that. Andy has written an outstanding review but I’ll just tell you that this one has more than a few surprises and, as always, I am bereft that I again have to wait a year for another adventure with Serge, Coleman, and the rockin’ cast of characters that weird Florida provides just when you need them.

DETAIL: The book talk and signing begin at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday. At 7, we’re having a post-event reception for Tim at La Rosita Mexican Grill just a few blocks down the street. That will be a ticketed event. Those who pay for and reserve for that event in advance will move to the head of the autographing line in the store and then spend some more quality time with the author afterward. Single tickets include a copy of the book and a voucher for the reception and cost $37.50, taxes included. Couples tickets include a copy of the book and 2 vouchers and cost $47.50, taxes included.

The main event is free and open to the public. We have an ample supply of all of Tim’s books and you are welcome to bring your collection for autographing after the first line of purchasers have had their time with Tim. Call the store to reserve for the after-party or for more details (812) 944-5116 or e-mail newalbanybooks@gmail.com.

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Securing memories on the page would seem to be an immensely superior way of retaining knowledge compared to trying to hold it in the brain. The brain is always making mistakes, forgetting, misremembering. Writing is how we overcome those essential biological constraints. It allows our memories to be pulled out of the fallible wetware of the brain and secured on the less fallible page, where they can be made permanent and (one sometimes hopes) disseminated far, wide, and across time. Writing allows ideas to be passed across generations, without fear of the kind of natural mutation that is necessarily a part of oral traditions.

Moonwalking With Einstein

Remember this

Wasn’t that elegant. I wish I had written it.

That is a passage (and one I am warned not to quote for purposes of review) from Joshua Foer’s upcoming book, Moonwalking With Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering. It’s from The Penguin Press and releases on March 7.

Yes, Foer’s surname is familiar. He is the younger brother of Jonathan Safran Foer, author of Everything is Illuminated. Josh, who used to call his older brother “Jonny,” was a recent college graduate living with his parents when he began this book, though it is clear from my advance reading that he is already an accomplished writer – at least of nonfiction.

Let me leave you with 2 other snippets from the book.

When St. Augustine, in the fourth century A.D., observed his teacher St. Ambrose reading to himself without moving his tongue or murmuring, he thought the unusual behavior so noteworthy as to record it in his Confessions.

Writing, you see, was once seen as no more than the best way to memorize things, and the state of inscription at the time actually required any reader to have pretty much memorized the text already. Accordingly, since most readers “performed” a piece aloud, it was practically unprecedented to imagine that anyone could understand what they were reading without at least subliminally “speaking” the words.

Need an example? GODISNOWHERE. Agree or disagree?

Want more of Foer? Check out his Website.

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